Organising a Study Needs Assessment

After submitting your DSA application form, you’ll be contacted to arrange a study needs assessment. This assessment can either be conducted by an independent assessor, in person or remotely, or in some cases it can be carried out by specialist advisors within your University- please speak to your Disability Advisor for further details.

Prior to the assessment, you may be required to submit any relevant documentation related to your disability or medical condition. This could include medical reports, diagnostic assessments, or letters from healthcare professionals.

What happens during the Study Needs Assessment appointment?

On the scheduled day, attend the needs assessment appointment. It usually takes place in an assessment center or may be conducted remotely via video conferencing. During the assessment, a specialist assessor will discuss your disability, the impact it has on your studies, and your support requirements.

The assessor will ask you questions to gain a comprehensive understanding of your disability-related needs. They may inquire about your daily living activities, study habits, difficulties faced, and any specific accommodations you may require. They will also explain the support options available and recommend appropriate assistive technologies or adjustments that can be made.

Following the needs assessment, the assessor will prepare a report outlining the recommended support and equipment you may be eligible for. The report will be sent to you, your funding body (e.g., SAAS or Student Finance England), and your institution.

Your funding body will review the assessment report and determine the support you’re eligible for. If approved, they will send you a letter confirming the amount of DSA funding you’ll receive.

Once you receive confirmation of your funding, work with your Disability Support Services to arrange the recommended support. This can include assistive technology, specialised equipment, additional study skills tutoring, or other reasonable adjustments.

Keep in mind that DSA funding is usually provided on an annual basis. You may need to go through a review process each academic year to ensure your support needs are still met. Your Disability Advisor can help you with this.