University Funding and Disabled Students Allowance (DSA)

University funding:

There are a number of financial factors to consider when you are looking to start university, such as: tuition fees, accommodation, food and travel. You can get support and advice from the Money Advice team in Student Services (email: [email protected]) and you can find further details here: Fees and funding – Study at St Andrews – University of St Andrews (

There is also a Student Money Mentors online blog that has lots of helpful advice: St Andrews Money Mentors (

Disabled Students Allowance (DSA):

Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) is UK Government funding for students who have a disability, SpLD or long term health condition. Its purpose is to pay for additional support costs that students may incur whilst studying at university. The allowance is not means tested and is available to full and part time students who are ordinarily resident in the UK.

The provision available within the University may adequately meet your support needs and it might not be necessary for you to apply for DSA. Your support needs and eligibility to apply for DSA can be discussed with a Disability Adviser in Student Services.

For more details on DSA, contact the Disability Team (email: disability@st- Someone will get back to you with advice on your eligibility to apply and help you make an application.